We know that all of you ladies out there get up every day and prepare yourselves to face your daily battles. Now, you can have Wonder Woman’s logo right on your chest to feel like the strong and capable woman you are.
Slipping on this shirt will not only make you look like a superhero, but it will also help you increase the efficiency of your workouts. You can even wear it during everyday activities to give yourself that extra little boost of confidence during days when you need some extra strength..
This Wonder Woman compression shirt is made to shape to women’s bodies, regardless of your size. Choose the size and style that fits you. You can have the iconic Wonder Woman logo emblazoned right on your chest every time you wear one of our shirts, since the design is made to last.
It won’t wash off, so it will look just as sleek as the first day you bought it, just like Wonder Woman’s costume itself. Don’t worry about sweating in this shirt either. Thanks to the COOLMAX technology in this polyester and spandex blend, no one will see you sweat. No more worrying about excessive sweating during stressful meetings or heavy workouts.
- Fits to women’s bodies perfectly, like a second skin
- Feels comfortable and dry regardless of the weather
- Material reduces moisture while also decreasing odor causing bacteria
- Prevents odor-causing microbes so you feel comfortable all day long